One of the most important features offered by Conflict Catcher is the ability to control whether or not a startup file will be loaded when your system starts up. Not only does this idea make Conflict Testing possible, but it lets you easily change which startup files your machine uses to best suit the job that you’re doing.
• You can view the enabled/disabled states of all startup files in your system in Conflict Catcher’s startup file list. If a startup file is enabled, its name will be highlighted in the list. Disabled files won’t be highlighted. If you’d like to change the status of a startup file, simply find its name in the list and click on it. If you have turned on the "Use Checkmark Display" preference, enabled files will be checked instead of highlighed.
• To get additional information about a startup file, you can have Conflict Catcher ‘magnify’ its detail information and see if a description is available. Click the mouse in the space to the left of the startup file’s name -- the mouse pointer will change from an arrow to a magnifying glass when you’re in the right spot.
• To lock a startup file either enabled or disabled, shift-click on the startup file. To unlock the startup file, shift-click on the locked startup file. Locking a startup file will prevent accidentally changing the state of the file.
• You can resize the main window horizontally to reveal a second column in the startup file list that can be used to display additional information about your startup files without having to magnify them individually.